Monday, February 12, 2007


Monday, February 05, 2007


This film gave me so much to think about, especially because I kept changing my mind about how I felt towards the characters.

They were:

2 boys with a gun - one was police detective's brother
Husband - worried about career
Wife - worried about herself, mainly, status, appearance and possessions
Locksmith and daughter
Shopowner's daughter - works in mortuary
Police - with sick father
Police - who requested a new partner
Police detective - with mother and brother
Poilice detective's mother
Police detective - with family from Puerto Rico
Police chief
Husband in car - didn't stand up for his wife
Wife - later in car accident, rescued by police

Some ideas for discussion:
Which characters were you most sympathetic towards, why?
Which characters were you least sympathetic towards, why?
What decisions could have brought about different outcomes?
Are there similar situations we have heard about or seen to those seen on the film?
Which characters should have stood up or spoken out against a situation?
Can people change?

Look forward to hearing ewhat you think on Tuesday evening.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

SAD 2007

Well, the first meeting of SAD for 2007 was held last Tuesday, and we had a go at putting together a plan for the next three months. Hope it meets with everyone's approval!

30/1 Film night - "Crash"
6/2 Discussion of "Crash"
13/2 Half term - no SAD
20/2 Blog night at Poplar SA
27/2 Discussion night - topic to be decided, but nothing depressing please!
6/3 Film night
13/3 Discussion of film
20/3 Book night
27/3 Chill out and eat food

There won't be any guitars on Tuseday cos film won't finish until late. However, there will be guitars on 6/2 and I have found "Blowing In The Wind" especially for all the sad hippies. We're going to begin working on our strumming, now we have a few chords under our belts!

Looking forward to catching up with you all again. See you Tuesday. I'll supply the popcorn!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Is it a bad thing to wear a hooded jumper?

I was reading the paper the other day and it said. A nurse went into her local shop with her hood up because it was raining outside and the man who own it told her to leave even though she had been going to that shop for over 10 years is this fair?

Sunday, October 29, 2006

WhAt Is LoVe?

The Christian view of love is as follows...

The New Testament includes 4 main types of love:
Agape- Christian love involving practical help. It demands that help should be given to any needy person, even enemies (mattew 5:43-8)- George Bush
Eros- sexual love or desire
Philia- the love of friendship
Storge- warm affection or liking of something

The great commandment (mark 12 28-34)
A layer asked Jesus 'which commandment is the most important?' Jesus replied
'Love god totally and secondly, love your neighbor as yourself'. Christians should put god first and secondly treat others as they wish to be treated- does George Bush follow this rule? Do you think he would like someone to invade his country with bombs?

Qualities of love (Corinthians 13)
St. Paul described true love as being….
patient, kind and eternal
And not…… jealous, conceited, proud ill mannered or selfish
George Bush is surely not selfish even though he will not sign the agreement to save the environment!

And finally… with no involvement of George Bush....

The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
Jesus told of a man who was mugged while traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho. A priest and a Levite came by but did not help. A Samaritan stopped, poured oil and wine onto the wounds and bandaged them. He took the man to an inn and paid for his care. Jesus asked 'which had acted like a neighbor?' the man replied 'the one who was kind'

for the wikipedia view on love click here

Monday, October 16, 2006

Thank you, Saddoes!

Sorry I haven't been around for a while. What with being ill and then assignments, but I wanted to say a great big ...THANKYOU. Last week I had to bring my presentation to my tutor group all about you and the SAD group. Then I had to write an essay about it and guess who will be marking it? The lovely Gordon! So I can't even make anything up (like I would!!)

I'm looking forward to seeing you all this week, and I may even provide choccie biscuits for all your help. I really appreciate you letting me use the discussion group in my assignment. The other cadets did find laugh at the fact that some of the language (LOL BTW??) bewildered me, that I am obviously middle class because I write thankyou letters (Do thankyou blogs count?) and am ancient because I listen to Radio 2 and The Archers!

I think the discussion this week is still on ideas about God, so I would just like to ask are we made in the image of God? Is there a bit of God in all of us? How do we know right from wrong? Why do some people not know right from wrong? What should we do about them? This was one of my lectures today so I would be interested to know what you all think about it.

See you all tomorrow.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

"I am a Cameraman" By Douglas Dunn

This is a poem that I studied for my GCSE's. I thought it would be a nice reflection on topics which have been discussed at previous discussion groups.
They suffer, and I catch only the surface.
The rest is inexpressible, beyond
What can be recorded. You can't be them.
If they'd talk to you, you might guess
What pain is like though they might spit on you.
Film is just a reflection
Of the matchless despair of the century.
There have been twenty centuries since charity began.
Indignation is day-to-day stuff;
It keeps us off the streets, it keeps us watching.
Film has no words of its own.
It is a silent waste of things happening.
Without us, when it is too late to help.
What of the dignity of those caught suffering?
It hurts me. I robbed them of privacy.
My young friends think Film will be all of Art.
It will be revolutionary proof
Their films will not guess wrongly and will not lie.
They'll film what is happening behind barbed wire.
They'll always know the truth and be famous.
Politics softens everything.
Truth is known only to its victims.
All else is photographs-- a documentary
The starving and the playboys perish in.
Life disguises itself with professionalism.
Life tells the biggest lies of all,
And draws wages from itself.
Truth is a landscape the saintly tribes live on,
And all the lenses of Japan and Germany
Wouldn't know how to focus on it.
Life flickers on the frame like beautiful hummingbirds.
That is the film that always comes out blank.
The painting the artist can't get shapes to fit.
The poem that shrugs off every word you try.
The music no one has ever heard.