Sunday, October 15, 2006

"I am a Cameraman" By Douglas Dunn

This is a poem that I studied for my GCSE's. I thought it would be a nice reflection on topics which have been discussed at previous discussion groups.
They suffer, and I catch only the surface.
The rest is inexpressible, beyond
What can be recorded. You can't be them.
If they'd talk to you, you might guess
What pain is like though they might spit on you.
Film is just a reflection
Of the matchless despair of the century.
There have been twenty centuries since charity began.
Indignation is day-to-day stuff;
It keeps us off the streets, it keeps us watching.
Film has no words of its own.
It is a silent waste of things happening.
Without us, when it is too late to help.
What of the dignity of those caught suffering?
It hurts me. I robbed them of privacy.
My young friends think Film will be all of Art.
It will be revolutionary proof
Their films will not guess wrongly and will not lie.
They'll film what is happening behind barbed wire.
They'll always know the truth and be famous.
Politics softens everything.
Truth is known only to its victims.
All else is photographs-- a documentary
The starving and the playboys perish in.
Life disguises itself with professionalism.
Life tells the biggest lies of all,
And draws wages from itself.
Truth is a landscape the saintly tribes live on,
And all the lenses of Japan and Germany
Wouldn't know how to focus on it.
Life flickers on the frame like beautiful hummingbirds.
That is the film that always comes out blank.
The painting the artist can't get shapes to fit.
The poem that shrugs off every word you try.
The music no one has ever heard.


At 4:55 AM, Blogger Roz Lynch said...

I loved the poem when I read the copy u gave me Friday night... every time i read it i get more and more from it...its true it does really pertain to a lot of what we have been talking about...and how we view the world...

They suffer, and I catch only the surface

you can't be them

film is just a reflection of the matchless despair of the century


Its all true...we can't know, can't be them...we can only try to understand, try to move our indignation from the watching stage...not just be recorders of what we reflections...but try to be involved - try to get in the picture...get away from snapshots of our versions of reality...dig beneath the surface...

At 11:20 AM, Blogger Wendy said...

Wow, what a lovely poem. I've printed off a copy for myself. The line "Life disguises itself with professionalism". When I think of all the people, including myself, who have worn a mask rather than let others see what is really going on in my life. The number of times you've asked someone how they are , and they've just said, "Fine" ...

At 6:24 AM, Blogger Thomas said...

Cool Poem! I actually decided to read it even though i'm not the biggest fan of poetry.

But you prooved me wrong Sarah! This poem is cool and i'll make sure I save it and read it through again and again!


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