Thursday, September 28, 2006

If the World was 100 People

An email went round the world, based on Donella Meadows idea, helping us understand the huge numbers of people in the world in terms of a Village of 100 People.

Its been going round the world since 1990... Jane used it in her GCSE presentation... Wendy got a copy of it from a friend... I've used it at club... and we talked about it on Tuesday... if you want to know more or want to pass it on, check out the following sites.

100 People: A World Portrait is a video with some American 4th Graders (based on the original 1990 data)

Miniature Earth is a 2001 updated video

The Geography Site has a 2005 updated list...

...and if we can't find an updated video...let's make one!


At 3:08 AM, Blogger Thomas said...

Good Post Roz!

Will try and remember it all!

At 9:52 AM, Blogger Laura said...

What a cool idea! I really liked all the stuff we talked about. Can you be rich and be a Christian? Depends on what you mean by rich. "You cannot love both God and money." Anything we can do to raise awareness of the issue would be good


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